Thursday, March 30, 2006

See For Yourself What Ethos Is All About!

Hi Friends-
So, what’s not to get about this deal?
SEE FOR YOURSELF (This is a 2 step process)
Step one: Read this article in today’s news from the leading news agency, Reuters: (click on the link to read)
US "at tipping point"

Americans are nearly as worried about their country's dependence on foreign energy sources as they are about the war in Iraq, a poll showed on Thursday. Full Article

Step two: Then go here --- and reserve your free position Today

Have a great day!

Matt Ellsworth
315-828-6258 - EST

Sunday, March 26, 2006

New Gas Saver -- On the News: It's on FOX, ABC, NBC, PBS!

There are people in the other 2 gas saver programs

making $100K/mo after 3-4 months and they don't

have a product or company as strong as this!

Please grab a free spot! Free for 10 days.

New Gas Saver MLM: On The News!

The documentary, "We've Been Warned" aired at midnight March 18th on CNN. In this telecast it makes reference to $7.00 per US Gallon gas prices as being inevitable. It states, "Even if we make major discoveries in the near future, at best we will be seeing that bench mark no later than 2010." Unless you have money growing on trees at home, you should be interested in ways to cut down your gas consumption. Everyone you know should also be extremely interested.

How about in Europe?

In parts of Europe, gas prices are already at around $7/gallon. Click the link below.

Gas in Europe

Christian Science Article, August, 2005

See what NBC, ABC, PBS and FOX have to say about our impressive product!

Major TV news stations have conducted their own independent tests of our gas saver product (Ethos). See what they reported live on TV. Click the link below.

Watch Major TV News about our gas saver.

Watch all the videos on this link.

Now what if we told you that our gas saver, Ethos, is being sold through network marketing NOW.

This is not a new product. The manufacturing company is over 10 years old, has $100 million dollars in sales of the product right now and sells $2 million per month to the Chinese government alone!

There are other gas saver products on the market that are being marketed through network marketing, and some people are making six figure monthly incomes after only 3-4 months, however none compares with Ethos for the following reasons:

* Ethos gets immediate results. You can tell from the first tankful and conduct gas mileage tests and emmissions tests to prove it. The others we are familiar with usually take 10 to 12 tankfulls or more before people can tell a difference.

* There is no other product that has so much validation from the public media. The main-stream validation of Ethos is unsurpassed and that alone makes this a home run.

* The other products we are familiar with smell. Ethos is odorless and you can even taste it without harm.

Here are the videos again.

Watch major TV news about our gas saver.

Watch all the videos on this link.

If you want to sign up for free (you will get to decide if you want to upgrade 10 days

later! -- Be sure to get in all your database for free right now!)

here is our link:

Sign up for FREE Now!

Free for 10 days!

Conference Call: Mon-Fri 212-461-5860
pin code: 1670#

Important Message!

Important Message!!

Since we cannot call each and everyone we are posting this to inform you of a cataclismic event that is about to take place.

Here are just a few of the facts :

· 15 years of research and development

· A 10 year old company...not a start-up

· 100 million in sales per year worldwide

· US military Currently using this product in Iraq!

· Impressive Fox and CBS News Reports (see video)

· 50 containers (80, 55 gallon drums) per month shipped to China

· Manufacture to consumer marketing (no middle man)!!

Review the news clippings at:

To hear the President: An interview with the President

The Pre-launch began 3/24/2006 at 7:00pm eastern.

Get your spot NOW!!

There is absolutely NO COST to pre-enroll.

Now is Your chance to be surrounded by The Biggest Names in the industry!

Join Today it’s Free!!! Expected full launch first week of April!!

Ethos FR is a unique combination of high-quality, non-toxic, specially designed esters that uses only the elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

This patented combination of low molecular weight cleaning esters and high molecular weight lubricating esters, reformulates any fuel whether it's gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, hydrogen, LNG, compressed natural gas or bio-diesel.

EPA laboratories tests confirm that Ethos FR is 99.99976% clean upon ignition and ash less upon combustion.
Ethos FR is free of carcinogens.

Enroll Today:

Your referrer's ID: mjesales

Sunday, March 19, 2006

RedHotSignups - Get 10% More!

Get 10% More Signups with Your Order!

Simply place an order for guaranteed signups with RedHotSignUps.Com and we will add 10% to you order if you mention this add in the comments field. Alternatively, send us an email and we will add 10% to your order. To qualify you must place your order by March 22nd 2006.

If you have any questions about Guaranteed signups, be sure to email

Matt Ellsworth
MJE Sales, LLC

Saturday, March 18, 2006 - Goes Live!

Its official, we have opened up!!!

The website is of course still subject to some graphical design changes, but the important thing is that the website is up and you can place orders for guaranteed signups to the free to join program of your choice! Visit: to order signups directly!

The payment buttons are still being setup as I type this, however, E-gold and Safe-Pay are all setup. If you have any questions, be sure to send an email to

If you aren't familiar with guaranteed signups, here's the brief overview:
-You pick which type you would like to order (USA Only, 50 Country targeted, untargeted)
-You place an order for the number of signups you would like to receive
-We setup your order with our supplier (who happens to be the largest supplier)
-You will receive an email with your login information and the approximate date which it will start (most start in 2-3 days).
-The total time it will take to get all the signups depends on which program it is, and how many other people are promoting it. Sometimes a program can go fast and other times it can go slow. However, we will guarantee that you will receive at least the number of signups that you ordered.
-On, there is a link to a list of programs that are already approved, it is a very long list. However, even if your program is not on the list, we can usually still get a campaign going for it, it just might take a few more days
-Only programs that require no financial information to signup for free will be allowed.
-No Adult, Casino, etc allowed.

For more information and to see our LOW prices, be sure to check out!

Matt Ellsworth
MJE Sales, LLC

Thursday, March 16, 2006

MJE Sales Launching a new Website!

We are going to be launching a new website in the coming few days, if you want to be sure that you hear about it right away, signup for your mailing list on our main page

The website will sell guaranteed signups. Thats right we will sell guaranteed signups into whatever free to join program you want to promote. There are 3 categories of these signups and there will be more information available when the website is launched. So if you are looking to order signups, be sure to hold off until we get this website launched, trust me you won't be disappointed.

Matt Ellsworth
MJE Sales, LLC

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

FreedomRocks - Urgent Message


Freedom Rocks has seen unprecendented growth in the past 10 days

unlike any other marketing company of it's kind. Their Revolutionary

"Hands Free" Currency Trading System has had such Immediate and

Wide Spread Acceptance that they must s-l-o-w down the sign-up

process a little so they can re-structure the back office to handle the

HUGE numbers that are going to come our way.

We're not just talking about thousands of sign-ups... but rather 10's

of thousands ... and even 100's of thousands of sign-ups in a very

short period of time.

People WANT the Freedom Rocks System

Very few programs in the history of this Network Marketing have

generated the level of excitement we've seen in the last two weeks

and the full power of Freedom Rocks has yet to be unleased on

an eagerly awaiting world.

The Sign Up Link to learn the Freedom Rocks Trading System will

stay open through Wednesday the 15th of March and then will be

temporarily disabled for important and necessary software upgrades.

URGENT - If you were thinking about Joining Freedom Rocks to learn

this Revolutionary Trading System you need to join NOW so you can

access the Trading Software and Education in the back office of your


Sign-Ups will resume in a few weeks but don't miss out on your

opportunity to learn and benefit from the Freedom Rocks Trading

System TODAY!!

Matt Ellsworth - Forex Software and More!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Have you seen the FreedomRocks Movie?

The "FreedomRocks" FOREX Investment Strategy Trading Platform takes all the guesswork out of the equation and virtually eliminates the learning curve to profit.

You'll be up and running with a "Demo Practice" account in minutes seeing how easy and effective it is to use. By using a "Hedged Dual-Currency" approach that focuses on the "Interest" component of the market in addition to making profitable trading gains, this platform generates steady returns while assuming the smallest possible risk.

Currency Trading Professionals reviewing this program are frequently stunned by the simple logic of it. "FreedomRocks" is a menu driven investment portfolio manager that gives you all the information you need to get started from scratch. It will tell you about brokerage accounts and give you the practical advice you'll need to use the system effectively. It tells you when to buy forex lots, when to sell them, and exactly how many.

You dial in the "Return" you want and this program gives you the lowest "Risk" strategy for achieving it! It makes Profitable Foreign Exchange Trading "Cut and Dry", taking emotion completely out of the equation.

You will ALWAYS have complete control over your investment dollars. "FreedomRocks" does not buy and sell for you. The decisions are yours. "FreedomRocks" is simply a sophisticated mathematical model that helps you structure your trading so you'll always buy low and sell high.

To find out more about this remarkable new income program - click on the video link at the bottom of the page, or load the video directly at

Friday, March 10, 2006

Relationships Build Income - Join FREE

Below is a recent email that we sent out to the subscribers of our mailing list found on Feel free to sign up if you are not already a member.


This program is based off of a binary compensation system, allows you to create/view profiles of other networkers. If you are not interested in programs that are multi level, then feel free to stop reading now, however, if you are looking for a place to meet new contacts and earn an income at the same time, keep reading.

Having spoken to a lot of the people on this list, either on the phone or via email, I know that we are all pretty much a like minded group. We were all in PIPS and most of us lost funds in that venture. However, from that we most move on and hope that one day it will come back. In the mean time though, we are dedicating our energy to other ventures. We have sent out emails in the past about these other ventures including Kanosis, FreedomRocks and Eniva. Our next big project is going to be DirectMatches

Some of you may have heard of DirectMatches, some of you probably have not. It is FREE to sign up and create a profile, so you have nothing to lose by doing so. You can even view profiles of other like minded individuals and meet people who are also looking to make new contacts. Whether be network marketing or finding other local entrepreneurs in your home town.

By now I am sure some of you are wondering why I am sending you this email and what this all has to do with you. Well, there is also a binary compensation plan for those who choose to upgrade their account. There is 3 different upgrade levels and each has its own benefits. We are planning on building an organization of several THOUSAND people over the course of the next year and we wanted to give the first chance to sign up to all of our current list members. Those who sign up now will benefit from our marketing efforts the most.

This is by no means a get rich quick company, but it is a company with a realistic compensation plan based over a long period of time. Our sponsor was able to build a group of just over 4,000 people in a little over 1 year. He said it did not take long for the plan to pay for itself each month. Our plan is to attempt to duplicate his results over the course of the next year.

If you have any interest in this, we would strongly encourage you to sign up and create a FREE profile, it costs you nothing and you will be signing up before we do our large marketing campaign. When you decide it is something that you like, you can upgrade then, and should you decide it is something that is not for you, then you don't have to worry, it was free. If you are worried about getting lots of annoying emails, then just use an email address that you don't check as often. As an upgraded member, you can optout of a lot of those annoying emails. We created a separate email account to handle this program just in case it caused a lot of emails.

If you are already a member of DirectMatches, thats great! Feel free to add us as a contact in DirectMatches, user name: mjesales.

If you want to put yourself on an autoresponder about this company, please visit our lead capture page and fill out the form.

DirectMatches - Relationships Build Income

Thank You,

Matt Ellsworth
MJE Sales, LLC

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Just a Reminder about Tonight's Call

Just a reminder about Tonight's Kanosis Conference Call:

Mondays & Wednesdays with Jim Marshall & Michael Bay:

at 9:00PM EST, 8:00PM CST, 6:00PM PST

CONFERENCE DIAL-IN NUMBER: 401-694-1515 (new permanent number)


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hott Off the Presses


Is the Kanosis business model for real?? Is this the wave of the future?? Judge for yourself!

Remember – we are there first! We have a 2 year head start on the competition!

Please consider joining us on this incredible journey…

1) Go here and review what Kanosis is doing and what it can offer you.

2) Read the article below to VERIFY the veracity of the Kanosis business model

3) Take action!

Article Title: “Google lets slip talk of online storage service”

Read the article:

Article Title: "Google offers glimpse of Web-based hard drive"

Read the Article:

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Freedom Rocks -- A No-Brainer Investment System

Freedom Rocks -- A No-Brainer Investment System

This program will serve all of us who want very low risk & high returns, is built for the long haul and is much better suited for the masses who don't care about doing Day Trading.

This program is called Freedom Rocks.

Freedom Rocks is a no-brainer Forex system. I know it sounds incredible – but this system provides a way to always make money in the forex currency market, 100% legally.

They have a system to earn 1% interest every week plus make money trading.

Please watch the two videos on the site:
Many people are calling us and saying that this is the best investment presentation the have ever seen. It only costs $100 a month to take part in this system.

This program pays out 90% of the monthly fees in the binary compensation plan that they have created to go along with the great software! We have seen tremondous results with this program since we started marketing it less than 3 days ago! The company has about 500 members, so be sure to join now and experience this explosive growth phase.
