Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Columbus Day!


Happy Columbus Day to those of you in the USA and Happy Thanksgiving for those of you in Canada!

I hope things are going well for you, I just wanted to send a quick email to let you know how Predator Marketing System has been going for us.

I joined Predator about 2 weeks ago, and I am learning so much from the 3+ hours per day of live webinar training. Not to mention how much I have learned from the recorded training course on network marketing (make money or make excuses). I am so glad that I joined Predator - the trainings they have are simply invaluable. It is unbelieveable.

I am looking forward to continuing learning from them every day - they have trainings on marketing, SEO, HTML and other general good business practices. Our upline leaders frequently do trainings as well.

The founder of predator marketing system is going to be running some infomercials very soon - and best of all - the leads are going to be rotated amoung the members of Predator - so we won't even have to pay for them. All this from a system that does all the closing for you.

If you haven't yet seen the video - go to and watch the movie. After you watch the movie - fill out the contact form for more information.

Have a great weekend!

Matt Ellsworth
MJE Sales, LLC

PS: I put together a new tools site - in case you are looking for different tools to market your business with - some free, some paid -

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